All tagged Condominiums

One Way to Think Through the Condominium Decision

As a Professor of Finance and Economics at Wharton and a 45-year resident of Swarthmore, I have been following the recent debate over plans to build a 36-unit condominium opposite the library with more than passing interest. I’m afraid I could not resist thinking this through as an economist, and thought it might be useful to share my thoughts—for better or worse, you decide.

Condo Plan Faces More Scrutiny

Opposition to the proposed condominium project at 110 Park Avenue remains after the developers unveiled a revised design. Concerns about the scale of the building, the historical significance of existing buildings, and public safety remain primary points of contention.

Condo Developers Go Back to the Drawing Board

After considering community feedback, the developers who have proposed a new condominium building at 110 Park Avenue have unveiled a new design. “We really did a lot of strategizing, spent a lot of time, and developed what I think is an extraordinarily very different, attractive building,” said Swarthmore resident Bill Cumby, whose building firm, W.S. Cumby, is behind the project, in partnership with Don Delson (also a Swarthmore resident), and in consultation with the architecture firm Bernardon.