All tagged League of Women Voters

Criminal Justice System Webinars

The League of Women Voters of Central Delaware County and the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People Media Branch will host a two-part webinar, “Financial Inequities in the Criminal Justice System.” The program will run on May 13 and June 16.

Back Issues: Out of Their League

Retired history professor and former Swarthmore resident Laurie Bernstein has been busying herself during the pandemic by cataloging the articles in back issues of the Swarthmorean. Starting with Volume I, Number 1 from 1929, when the Swarthmore News changed its name to the Swarthmorean, Bernstein is slowly working her way forward. From time to time, we will reprint an article she selects from our archives with her commentary.

Election Law, Process, and Security Discussion

Recent changes to Pennsylvania’s election law have left many voters confused about how to obtain mail-in and absentee ballots, whether or not to mail them back, or where to go to vote in person. The League of Women Voters of Central Delaware County (LWV-CDC) will host a virtual discussion, “Election Law, Process and Security,” on Friday, September 11, at noon.

LWV Honored by Beth Israel

The Social Action Committee of Congregation Beth Israel presented its annual Friend of the Community award on April 12 to the League of Women Voters of Central Delaware County. This award recognizes local individuals or groups of any faith who support or embody the Jewish concept of Tikkun Olam, or Hebrew for “Healing the World.”