Based in Sydney, Australia, Foundry is a blog by Rebecca Thao. Her posts explore modern architecture through photos and quotes by influential architects, engineers, and artists.

‘Reject this proposal’

‘Reject this proposal’

To the Editor,

W.S. Cumby and Don Delson should pay a commission to the “Swarthmorean Staff” who wrote the fawning, front page commercial for the proposed 110 Park Ave condos. The five-story monstrosity looks like it was designed by Seinfeld’s Art Vandelay, and Borough Council should reject it on the basis of size and aesthetics alone. Imagine dropping Media’s huge West End Flats into the middle of our town, because that’s what this project would do. W.H. Auden said it’s impossible to get rid of your shadow, and this gargantua will cast a long one on our town’s character and economy. The Swarthmorean advertisement cheerily claims the development is the culmination of a 20-year-old plan. Perhaps they should go back to the drawing board. Borough Council must reject this proposal. 


Mark Turbiville

‘Something beneficial for the borough’

‘Something beneficial for the borough’

Making units more affordable for seniors

Making units more affordable for seniors