Based in Sydney, Australia, Foundry is a blog by Rebecca Thao. Her posts explore modern architecture through photos and quotes by influential architects, engineers, and artists.

Many Thanks for a Wonderful Day

Many Thanks for a Wonderful Day

To the Community

Last Saturday’s “Home for the Holidays” event was one of the most enjoyable days we have had here in town. It was wonderful to have our streets filled with adults and kids from Swarthmore and our neighboring communities.

A huge thank you goes to Sarah Matthews, our Town Center coordinator, and to all her many volunteers for organizing such a great event. The morning’s Reindeer Dash run had 250 participants. There were carriage rides all day, kids’ activities by Mr. Scott at the Swarthmore Public Library, a full day of activities at the new Swarthmore Community Center—thanks to Rosemary Fox, and a wonderful session of African dance and music led by Jeannine Osayunde and her Dunya dance troupe.

Thanks to all our merchants and restaurants, singers from The Silvertones, Media Chamber Chorale, and Wesley AME Church for their participation. A special thanks to the fire company who not only helped decorate the tree but also provided transportation for Santa to Dave Augustine’s Winter Wonderland when SEPTA’s train schedule didn’t quite work out. 

The day ended with caroling and the lighting of the tree led by Rev. Lydia Munoz at the Swarthmore United Methodist Church, and then it was off to the firehouse for hot chocolate and donuts provided by Swarthmore Rotary.

I want to send a special thanks to Kathy Gerner of Swarthmore, who several years ago had the idea of a holiday event called “Home for the Holidays” and was the inspiration for this wonderful day.  

Thanks to all who helped and participated. This is, truly, an incredible community. 

Mayor Marty Spiegel

‘Swarthmore Has History’

‘Swarthmore Has History’