All tagged Renewable Energy

All-renewable energy now

In response to Ken Derow’s letter in the August 7 Swarthmorean, “Future generations will curse us,” everything he says there is correct. We are out of time. Climate change is upon us and some tipping points have already been reached. And our state is one of the biggest polluters in the U.S. Meanwhile, Swarthmore’s citizens are concerned enough that our borough council last year adopted a resolution to transition the entire community to 100% renewable energy. I invite Mr. Derow to attend the next Swarthmore Environmental Advisory Council (EAC) meeting, scheduled for August 25 at 7:30 pm. For a Zoom link, write to one of the email addresses found on the page for the EAC. We are formulating a concrete plan for our energy transition. It’s easier said than done, so we need all hands on deck.