Based in Sydney, Australia, Foundry is a blog by Rebecca Thao. Her posts explore modern architecture through photos and quotes by influential architects, engineers, and artists.

Tree Survey to Begin

Tree Survey to Begin

After several unsuccessful attempts at starting, including a delay caused by COVID-19-related restrictions, the Swarthmore Street Tree Survey is about to get under way. Sophia Rodbell, project manager for Davey Resource Group, has given the borough and Tree Committee a start date of Monday, May 11. A small team of certified arborists will travel throughout town, pinpointing the exact location of each street tree, along with the species, size, and general condition of approximately 4,000 trees. The physical survey should take about two weeks.

The data collected will be entered into a software program, which the borough and the Tree Committee will continue to update and use to manage Swarthmore’s living canopy. The information will help locate sites where new trees are needed, recognize trees in danger from invasive predators such as the emerald ash borer, pinpoint trees in need of early pruning, and reveal species distribution.

Our tree canopy contributes environmental and aesthetic benefits to the town. It augments Swarthmore’s charm and livability, and increases property values. This survey will help maintain the health of the tree canopy for future Swarthmoreans. 

Community members can view the survey data online. And if you see a couple of strangers on your street carefully measuring and inspecting the trees, say hello!

David Page is chair of the Swarthmore Tree Committee.

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Trees to Avoid

Trees to Avoid