Based in Sydney, Australia, Foundry is a blog by Rebecca Thao. Her posts explore modern architecture through photos and quotes by influential architects, engineers, and artists.

Helpers: Swarthmore Trinity Chutch

Helpers: Swarthmore Trinity Chutch

In honor of National Women’s History Month, and as a Lenten service project, members of Swarthmore’s Trinity Church are collecting monetary donations to purchase feminine hygiene products for low-income and homeless people. (Due to COVID-19 restrictions, feminine hygiene items cannot be collected directly from individual donors.)  

The church will donate the products to two nonprofits that will distribute them to those in need: St. Mary’s Food Cupboard in Chester, and Family Promise of Delaware County in Parkside. 

“According to, low-income and homeless people face a severe lack of feminine hygiene products,” says Kristin Cardi, a member of the church’s outreach committee. “The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and other welfare programs don’t cover these necessary products. Each month, this leaves countless people without the products many of us take for granted.” 

Monetary donations can be made through March 31 here. (After clicking “donate,” go to the “use this donation for” prompt and select “outreach.”)

Spring Cleaning for Our Watershed

Spring Cleaning for Our Watershed

Bugs in the Backyard

Bugs in the Backyard