All tagged Little Crum Creek Park

A Tour of Little Crum Creek Park

On Saturday morning, August 14, Andrew Bunting led a tour of Little Crum Creek Park, accompanied by several fellow board members of the Friends of Little Crum Creek Park and residents of Swarthmore and Rutledge. The purpose of the tour was to provide information about the park, and highlight the achievements and future plans of the Friends.

Spring Cleaning for Our Watershed

At least once a year, I and hundreds of other volunteers take part in the Chester Ridley Crum (CRC) Annual Streams Cleanup, now in its 23rd year. We put on old clothes, glove up, and wade in to pull tires and much more out of our local streams and creeks. This year’s Annual Streams Cleanup will be on Saturday, March 20.

Big Help for Little Crum Creek

Since 1998, Susan Kelly has worked to improve Little Crum Creek Park, Swarthmore’s largest park, located on the eastern edge of town between Harvard and Yale avenues. As part of Swarthmore’s Environmental Advisory Council and other groups, she has coordinated several work days a year and built a list of many hardy locals who don’t mind getting dirty: the Park Pals. But that didn’t seem like enough.