Based in Sydney, Australia, Foundry is a blog by Rebecca Thao. Her posts explore modern architecture through photos and quotes by influential architects, engineers, and artists.

The anti-science president’s legacy may be saved by science

The anti-science president’s legacy may be saved by science

To the Editor,

As the vaccines to protect us from COVID-19 begin to be rolled out, we should all stand back and marvel at the accomplishment it represents. Previously, the fastest vaccine development process was about four years from start to finish, while, this time, it has been accomplished in less than one year. The COVID-19 vaccines are an achievement of historic proportions. The scientists and technicians who worked tirelessly, 24/7, to make this happen deserve a huge, heartfelt thank you from a grateful nation and world community. But let us not forget the role played by Operation Warp Speed, the program put in place by the Trump administration to facilitate and accelerate the vaccine development process. 

Even though I am an ardent and vocal critic of Present Trump, I recognize that he, regardless of the sincerity of his motivation, helped to make this happen. Two aspects of this are incredibly ironic. The first is that the man who, almost indisputably, abysmally failed to do the right things to contain the spread of the virus will deserve some credit for helping to end the pandemic. The second is that this man who has consistently expressed staunchly anti-science views should have his legacy — if not saved — then at least partially redeemed by the very scientists he so roundly dismissed and devalued.

We cannot say that a compassionate concern for the well-being and health and safety of ordinary Americans is what drove President Trump toward helping to facilitate the vaccine development process. He has always demonstrated that he is driven almost exclusively by advancing his own perceived self-interest. But these vaccines promise to end this pandemic far more quickly than might have been expected, and for this we should all be thankful and grateful. 

Ken Derow

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