All tagged 2020/12

The anti-science president’s legacy may be saved by science

We cannot say that a compassionate concern for the well-being and health and safety of ordinary Americans is what drove President Trump toward helping to facilitate the vaccine development process. He has always demonstrated that he is driven almost exclusively by advancing his own perceived self-interest. But these vaccines promise to end this pandemic far more quickly than might have been expected, and for this we should all be thankful and grateful.

DIY luminaria fundraiser?

I can’t imagine New Year’s Day on our Swarthmore cul-de-sac without the otherworldly beauty of luminaria glowing in the dark. I have ordered a bundle of white craft bags from Amazon and will use the miscellaneous votive candles I have on hand to compile as many luminaria as I can for our street to enjoy.

Thanks, police!

I was quite pleased to read that Swarthmore Mayor Marty Spiegel had asked Police Chief Ray Stufflet to increase the police presence in the downtown area. I am not the only one of my friends who has complained about kids riding bicycles on the sidewalk along Park Avenue.

PA pedalcycle rules

The Pennsylvania Vehicle Code, Section 3508 (“Pedalcycles on sidewalks and pedalcycle paths”), says: “A person shall not ride a pedalcycle upon a sidewalk in a business district… [and] ... shall yield the right-of-way to any pedestrian....”

Lawsuit by attorneys general a disgrace

What does it mean when the attorneys general of 17 states pursue a patently frivolous action in the Supreme Court of the United States seeking to invalidate elections in four states (including Pennsylvania) and to strip over 19 million Americans of their right to vote? It means that they value preening in front of their base and a morally bankrupt president over their oath of office, their ethical obligations as officers of the court, and any pretense of common decency.

Luminaria cancelled too

It is with great regret that we report that this year’s annual luminaria fundraiser has been cancelled. For so many past Decembers, community members have bought thousands of these candles, nestled in little bags of white sand, and lined the sidewalks with them, lighting them up at 5 p.m. on New Year’s Day. But it’s 2020; what more do we need to say?

Chester Children’s Chorus will lift your spirits

I am delighted to invite you to experience the chorus from the comfort of your home at 7 PM on Saturday, December 12. This is an opportunity for friends of CCC to be reminded why they support the chorus and attend its concerts. For those unacquainted with the chorus, it will be a joyful introduction. All will experience one hour, in these stressful times, that will lift their spirits.

Fight climate change by supporting regional initiative

I believe each of us should improve the community we live in. I trust this letter will encourage neighbors in Swarthmore and neighboring communities to support the ongoing effort to have Pennsylvania join the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI): a cooperative multi-state program designed to improve air quality and address climate change, which many other Northeastern states have long participated in.