Based in Sydney, Australia, Foundry is a blog by Rebecca Thao. Her posts explore modern architecture through photos and quotes by influential architects, engineers, and artists.

Some thoughts on the Cumby/Delson condo project

Some thoughts on the Cumby/Delson condo project

To the Editor,

The front page article in last week’s Swarthmorean reads, as a friend commented, like an infomercial for the proposed condo. Based on the rendering, the building is, in my opinion and many others, a monstrosity, an architectural misadventure. Based on the borough’s zoning guidelines (section 1256.01) new building development should:

  • Encourage the retention of the Town Center streetscape by preserving the existing buildings of historic significance.

  • Promote the reuse of existing structures, and the construction of new structures in a manner that maintains the visual character and architectural scale of the Town Center.

  • Ensure that new buildings …are sympathetic with and enhance the surrounding streetscape.

As it now stands it appears the proposed building is in violation of these zoning guiding principles. At the very least the architectural plan needs a major revision; the best outcome would be to scrap the project completely and leave the current streetscape intact. Perhaps if the Cumby/Delson team had thought to consult the community before plunging ahead in what feels like an evasive and non-transparent manner they would not have proceeded.

The displacing of two wonderful stores, The Gallery on Park and H.O.M., for at least two years during construction without providing alternate space at the same rent, is thoughtless and insensitive. As well, should this development go ahead in some form the two store owners should be offered free rent for two years in the new retail spaces and then rent at the same price as they are now paying after that. To me this would be fair compensation for what the store owners are now enduring and will endure.

Last week’s Swarthmorean article concludes: “They (Delson/Cumby) hope to make 110 Park a significant asset to the town that will be enjoyed by many for years to come.” I am wondering who the many are?

Allan Irving

Grow or stagnate

Grow or stagnate

‘Something beneficial for the borough’

‘Something beneficial for the borough’