Based in Sydney, Australia, Foundry is a blog by Rebecca Thao. Her posts explore modern architecture through photos and quotes by influential architects, engineers, and artists.

What are Swarthmore’s needs and priorities?

What are Swarthmore’s needs and priorities?

To the Editor,

It’s time for Swarthmore’s Borough Council and Planning Commission to take a deep dive into the future of development in Swarthmore and the issue of affordability. 

Swarthmore needs a land-use plan that aligns with the town’s values.  

I’m not unequivocally against high-end development, and I understand the importance of a thriving downtown and tax base. All of that, though, needs to be part of a balanced plan that addresses housing affordability, business affordability, equity, and inclusion. 

Many municipalities are dealing with these issues; our nation is in the midst of a national conversation about them. Swarthmore needs to define its particular needs and priorities in a land-use plan that aligns with its values. 

I know that both the planning commission and the borough council have worked for years on some of these questions. There is urgency in redoubling these efforts now and an imperative to hear from a multiplicity of voices to develop a comprehensive land-use plan.


Helen Nadel

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