All tagged 2021/04

Lenten service project a success

The outreach committee of Trinity Church Swarthmore would like to thank all of those in the community who made donations to our March service project. In honor of National Women’s History Month, and as a Lenten service project, we collected monetary donations to purchase feminine hygiene products for St. Mary’s Food Cupboard in Chester and Family Promise of Delaware County in Parkside.

What comes next?

Last week, the jury in the trial of Derek Chauvin found the former police officer guilty on all counts for the murder of George Floyd. While we experience some momentary relief that our judicial system held Mr. Chauvin accountable for his actions, we also feel sadness at the needless loss of George Floyd’s life. Mr. Floyd has become one more symbol of the need for dismantling the structures of racism that thrive in our nation. We hope that this decision will compel us to confront what comes next: the systemic reimagining of service and protection, and the true valuing of life, in all of our communities.

President Joe Biden: caretaker or crusader?

Would it not be supremely ironic if President Joe Biden, in his 78th year of life, and after 50 years in government, turned out to be not presiding over a caretaker presidency — not just being a bridge from the past to a new, much more progressive, future — but instead ushering in a new governmental paradigm and becoming a crusader for progressive values and governance?

Zoning conversation worth having

Living on Cornell Avenue in the 1960s, my brothers and I were often sent to the butcher for a package. And we played in the creek that runs behind the Historically Black Neighborhood of Swarthmore. In short, those streets are in my bones. I am white. And back in the day, Jews and Blacks weren’t allowed to live “just anywhere” in Swarthmore. Inclusivity and diversity came later. So your questions about what Swarthmore should be are thought-provoking.

Covanta fumes are not so easily fixed

Would that life were as simple as was suggested by the letter writer from Rutledge (March 19), regarding the toxic fumes from Covanta’s incinerator in Chester. Just use available technology, he says. Wonder why nobody has thought of that, in all the decades that the smoke coming out of that incinerator has been causing horrendous health problems.