All tagged 2020/03

New urgency for Delco health department

To follow up on the January 2 Swarthmorean article, “Incoming Delco Council Engages Community as Resource,” there are new developments regarding a potential public health department in Delaware County. We applaud the efforts of the new county council to form a modern, locally based, nimble health department to respond to a variety of threats to public health.

Keep shopping local

Did you know that Charlie’s Swarthmore Hardware remains open? And that your order from the TrueValue website can be delivered to the store, with no shipping charge, so Charlie gets part of the purchase price?

More intersection suggestions

In all the discussion about accidents at the Yale/Cornell intersection, and speeding on Yale in general, I don’t recall any remarks about the lack of speed limit signs on Yale between Chester Road and for about a quarter mile east on Yale. How about two more, oversized, on each side of the street?

Appreciating our local paper

Since I have been spending more time at home (partly in response to the current viral outbreak), and since I have greatly enjoyed the new features and in-depth reporting introduced by the Swarthmorean, I am writing to thank “the powers that be” for their commitment to Swarthmore.

Keep sending ideas to community center

The board would like to thank the Swarthmorean for running a survey to help us determine the future of the Swarthmore Community Center (SCC). In case you missed the letter sent previously from our board, the Swarthmore College has informed us that by August SCC must vacate the building that has served as our center for close to 50 years. The question now is how do we move forward?

Stop signs and sightlines

I attended a lively and informative meeting of Swarthmore Borough’s Safety Committee. The principal agenda item was about potential four-way stop signage at the intersection of Cornell and Yale avenues, to reduce collisions. At the same time, the presence of stop signs on Yale at Kenyon Avenue was noted. It’s apparent that those serve only as a traffic-calming measure, principally for eastbound traffic on Yale Avenue.